Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Grateful Heart

Church is a place of worship and celebrating the amazing gift of eternal life we have been promised if we choose to believe in the words of God and choose to walk in His ways. This morning, we attended Trinity Baptist Church. I felt very blessed as we walked in the sanctuary doors. Trinity holds a special memory in my heart. It is the place where I married my husband-the man God had chosen for me before I was even born. However, today I was reminded of another blessing that is all too often taken for granted: family. Sitting in the back row of church today was my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and parents. What a blessing when a whole family can worship together and that God has blessed both Jared and I with a family who loves Him.

This was not the only moment I realized all of the blessings in my life...God has been abundantly good to me and to my husband-and all to often, I tend to take for granted the faithfulness and goodness of God in our lives. As I sat beside my nephew today, I was once again taken aback by the miracle of life that God alone creates and grants. It is amazing to watch our nephew grow and develop into a handsome young fellow and to think that Logan only started out as two cells meeting!

However, today I was also humbly reminded that the creation of a new life is a very fragile miracle. I cannot imagine losing our child that is growing inside of me. Jared and I love this baby in a way that is indescribable, but the life that is inside me belongs to God and His purpose. We thank God daily and pray daily for our child that she would continue to grow healthy, but most importantly, that she would grow to serve and love her Creator and to give Him glory through the way she lives her life.

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