Monday, June 15, 2009

A New Chapter

Hello Everyone!

I was recently inspired by my friend Robyn to start a blog about our family, and lovingly, Jared went along with this idea!

Exciting News:

God has blessed us in many ways in our lives and the most recent blessing He has given us is the blessing of a child. Our precious baby is due January 3rd and we could not be more excited! It was an amazing experience to see our baby for the first time at our ultrasound. Our little one was moving its hands and kicking its legs. It is amazing how much you can love someone you have not yet met. We were both reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of God and the miracles He alone creates.

We ask for your prayers that we will continue to have a healthy pregnancy and that our baby will continue to grow and be healthy.

God bless,
Jared and Angie


  1. Congratulations! That is very exciting!!

  2. Congrats! We, too, are expecting our first child in Nov. Blessings!

