Well, it has been well over a month since we last updated our blog. So, we figured it was time to get back on the ball.

This past week, we spent Thanksgiving with the Norberg side of the family in Chicago. It was a wonderful time and we made lots of family memories. We left Tuesday night for Omaha so we could be ready for our flight on Wednesday morning. We are thankful that God granted us with safe travel. When we arrived in Chicago, we checked into our hotel which was located right on the river and a block off Michigan Ave. Once settled into our hotel, we hit the Mile and strolled around. Thanksgiving Day, most places were closed so we spent time hanging out in the lounge with family reminiscing. We went to an amazing restaurant called David Burke's Primehouse. It was a five course Thanksgiving meal and was incredibly delicious. We decided we need to walk back to the hotel in order to
burn some of the calories we had just devoured. Of course, it was then time for Thanksgiving Day football watching and naps. Friday we went shopping and it was crazy on the Mile. But, it was fun. After shopping, we took an architectural boat tour. We learned tons of interesting information about many of the buildings. The long awaited meal on Friday night was at Lawry's. They have the best prime rib and mashed potatoes a person could dream of. It was great family time which ended with a carriage ride through the Gold Coast. Saturday came too fast! We had such a wonderful time and are thankful for all the blessings and memories God has granted us. On the baby front:
I am now 35 weeks and only five weeks left until we meet our daughter! She will be considered full term though in two weeks. We are hoping she comes a couple days before the end of the year, but she can come when she is ready :) The time has flown by and we praise God for a healthy pregnancy and baby. We continue to pray for the health of myself and our baby and that labor and delivery go smoothly. At our last appointment, I was measuring right on schedule. She is getting big and taking up much of the room in my stomach. Jared and I have fun guessing which part of her body is protruding when she is moving. It is amazing to see and feel. Next week, I start my weekly appointments and will hopefully be finding out if our bundle of joy might be coming early...my guess is she won't because if she takes after her parents, she will be stubborn!