Well, the beginning of our week was bittersweet.
On Tuesday, we had a doctor's appointment. At this appointment, we got to hear our baby's heartbeat! It was sweet. Jared and I were surprised at how fast and loud the heartbeat was:160 beats per minute! The doctor said everything was great. It is so reassuring to hear those words! In five weeks, we have the big ultrasound! At this appointment, they will do all the major screenings for our baby's health; it usually lasts about an hour. We will also find out if we are having a boy or a girl! So exciting-we cannot wait :)
The bitter part of this appointment was that the doctor advised me not to go on our trip to the Boundary Waters since I would be too far away from medical care and there could be complications if I were to get a disease from the water or from the mosquitos. Our baby's health is way more important than any trip. It was hard to hear because we had been planning this for a year and it is the only week of vacation time we have together.
After much prayer and communication, Jared and I arrived at a comprimise. We both wanted to please the other. So, Jared is coming out of the Boundary Waters on Wednesday morning and then we are headed to the Cotton Mansion (bed and breakfast) to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. This place is absolutely gorgeous! We also scheduled an hour long couples massage, which we cannot wait for! We are both excited and ask for prayers for both of our travels.